Congratulations to everyone who helped make the 2025 Science Fair the most successful in many years! A complete list of all of our Category Award recipients is now available. A list of our Special Award recipients will also be available from the RESULTS menu at the top of the page soon!


Congratulations to the following Regeneron Science Talent Search 2025 Scholars!

Zirui Zhu/Webb School Of California/High­ly Flex­i­ble Ankle Joint Low­er Limb Exoskele­ton for Hemi­plegic Patients: Inte­grat­ing Assis­tive and Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Functions

Ash­ton Yoo/Chad­wick School/Devel­op­ment of a Next-Gen­er­a­tion 3D Print­ed Cra­nial Remod­el­ing Hel­met With Mem­o­ry Func­tion and Inte­grat­ed Pres­sure Sen­sors for Cor­rect­ing Head Deformities

Mat­teo Paz/Pasade­na High School/The Var­WISE All-Sky Infrared Vari­abil­i­ty Sur­vey — Clas­si­fi­ca­tion of 1.9 Mil­lion Astro­nom­i­cal Objects Into 10 Classes

Theodore Kratter/Poly­tech­nic School/Nov­el Food Safe­ty Test for the Rapid and Point-of-Care Detec­tion of Peanut Aller­gens: Improv­ing Qual­i­ty of Life for Those With Severe Food Allergies

Please visit here to see our list of Special Awards sponsors!

We’ll receive profits from any See’s Candies items you purchase using the link below. Help us reach our fundraising goal!

Support LACSEF with the See’s Candies Yunmraising program!

NEW this year! Six Interactive Webinars by topic for download. These take the place of our Virtual Workshops. You can watch them any time! Click to view, read, print!

#1 – Choos­ing a Topic

#2 – Design­ing Sci­ence & Engi­neer­ing Research Projects

#3 – Project Approval Overview

#4 – In-Per­son & Vir­tu­al Displays

#5 – Final Project Reg­is­tra­tion & the Judg­ing Process

#6 – Attend­ing the Fair, Awards Ceremony

You asked for it–we’ve made it happen!

We have been honored with one of the first Top-Rated Awards of 2024 from GreatNonprofits! We appreciate all of your contributions! 


We are pleased to announce that the 75th Annual Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair will be held at the Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall, March 9 — 10, 2025!


Please be aware that there are changes to the stu­dent and project reg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dures and the SRC sub­mis­sion and pre-approval process:

  • All projects need to have an Intent to Par­tic­i­pate Google Form sub­mit­ted. This form will help stu­dents deter­mine if a project requires Pre-Approval.
  • Pre-Approval cat­e­gories have changed — now aligned with ISEF.
    • Microbes and Tis­sue-Cell Lines have been com­bined as Poten­tial­ly Haz­ardous Bio­log­i­cal Agents — PHBA
    • Ver­te­brate form will now include high­er func­tion­ing invertebrates
  • The 4 cat­e­gories that will need pre-approval are as follows:
    • Human Par­tic­i­pants
    • Ver­te­brate and High­er Func­tion­ing Inver­te­brate Animals
    • Poten­tial­ly Haz­ardous Bio­log­i­cal Agents — PHBA
    • Haz­ardous Chem­i­cals, Activ­i­ties, and Devices — HCAD
  • The updat­ed LACSEF Rules and Reg­u­la­tions can be found here

Please be aware that there are changes to the stu­dent and project reg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dures and the SRC sub­mis­sion and pre-approval process.

Please refer to the Impor­tant Dates and Dead­lines doc­u­ment for a list­ing of impor­tant dates.

Vis­it Us on FaceBook!

We are a 501(c)(3) all-vol­un­teer orga­ni­za­tion and must rely on dona­tions to be able to hold our annu­al event. Please con­sid­er donat­ing to ensure that our Fair continues.